injunction example sentences

Related (10): prohibition, ban, interdiction, embargo, interdict, caveat, warning, proscription, edict, decree.

" injunction" Example Sentences

1. The judge issued an injunction stopping the construction of the new factory.
2. The court gave an injunction against burning any more flags in protest.
3. His doctor issued an injunction against smoking or drinking.
4. They were served with an injunction preventing them from picketing the store.
5. The judge granted the restraining injunction to halt further infringement of the patent.
6. He was issued an injunction that strictly forbade him from contacting his ex-wife.
7. I received a strict injunction from my parents not to stay out late.
8. The moral injunction against killing remains strong in most societies.
9. There is a biblical injunction to "love thy neighbor."
10. The elders preach the religious injunctions to the congregation at every service.
11. The king issued an injunction that no one was allowed to leave the castle.
12. His parents taught him the moral injunction to always tell the truth.
13. The governor issued an injunction placing a moratorium on mining in that area.
14. The tribal chief issued an injunction forbidding anyone from entering the sacred land.
15. The soccer coach's injunction to his players was to keep their heads up and pass the ball.
16. The religious injunctions guided their daily lives and interactions with others.
17. His therapist's injunction was that he needed to open up and share his feelings.
18. The company issued an injunction preventing the employees from unionizing.
19. The city council approved an injunction against the protesters occupying the park.
20. Their advice to her was basically an injunction to stay positive and keep trying.
21. She ignored her father's strict injunction to be home by midnight.
22. The court issued a temporary injunction against the closure of the hospital.
23. His parents instilled the strict moral injunction that lying was always wrong.
24. The minister gave the injunction to love one's enemies and pray for one's persecutors.
25. The environmental group sought a legal injunction to halt logging in the old-growth forest.
26. Her doctor's injunction was clear: quit smoking and lose weight immediately.
27. The court granted the preliminary injunction preventing the demolition of the historic building.
28. The military issued an injunction to maintain radio silence during the operation.
29. The governor issued an injunction prohibiting the sale of alcohol during the holiday weekend.
30. The ayatollah issued a religious injunction forbidding music and dancing.
31. Einstein's famous injunction was that "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
32. The prophet's final injunction was for his followers to spread peace wherever they went.
33. Michelangelo carved the biblical injunction "Know thyself" above the door of his workshop.
34. The doctor's strict injunction was to stay at home and avoid stress for a month.
35. She ignored her parents' injunction to be back by midnight and stayed out until dawn.
36. The priest's injunction to the congregation was to show compassion to those less fortunate.
37. The troops received strict radio silence injunctions before going into combat.
38. The team manager's injunction was to play hard and have fun.
39. The doctor's strict post-operation injunction was two weeks of bed rest.
40. The treaty included an injunction to seek peace through negotiation rather than violence.
41. His coach's injunction was to hustle on every play and never quit.
42. The government issued an injunction prohibiting trade with the enemy nation.
43. The court granted an injunction against picketing during the labor dispute.
44. The doctor's firm injunction was no alcohol, no desserts, and daily exercise.
45. The sensei's injunction was to practice patience, perseverance, and compassion.
46. The lawyer filed an injunction to stop the demolition of the school.
47. The report's main injunction was to conserve resources and live more sustainably.
48. His mother's firm injunction to him was never to lie or cheat.
49. The girls were given strict injunctions not to wander off alone.
50. The government issued an injunction banning protests outside the embassy.
51. The referee's injunction was to play fairly and respectfully towards the other team.
52. The rabbi's injunction was to spread more love and understanding into the world.
53. The doctor's strict injunction was that he could not drive, work, or lift anything heavy for six weeks.
54. The oracle gave the injunction that they must proceed swiftly but with great care.
55. The feminist injunction was that women must seize power and rewrite the rules.
56. The environmentalist's injunction was for everyone to reduce their consumption and waste.
57. The final doctor's injunction was to stay off his feet and rest as much as possible.
58. The coach's firm injunction was that there would be no distractions - only hard work and discipline.
59. The parent's injunction to their child was never to speak to strangers.
60. The expert's main injunction was that people needed to focus less on material wealth and more on human connection.

Common Phases

1. legal injunction- an official order from a court prohibiting a party from an activity.
2. restraining injunction - an injunction that restrains a party from an action.
3. moral injunction - a rule or principle regarding what is morally right and wrong.
4. religious injunction - a rule or commandment laid down by a religion.
5. parental injunction - advice or instruction given by a parent to a child.
6. strict injunction - an instruction or command given in a firm or severe manner.
7. temporary injunction - an injunction that lasts for a limited period of time.
8. preliminary injunction - an injunction issued at the beginning of a case.
9. permanent injunction - an injunction that lasts indefinitely without a set end date.
10. seek an injunction - to apply to a court for an injunction against someone.

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